Friday, December 26, 2008

The Old man and the PE

Had a wee bit of a scare there when I got an email from my mother saying that pops had to go to the hospital "for a cough or something" and had to stay the night. That smelled enough of parental bullshit I gave my brother a call (where the folks were spending Christmas) for the real poop.

Apparently the Senior had "multiple pulmonary embolisms" and if you google that you will discover that a) their nasty f###ers and b) triggere by long flights.

This just a few days before they were supposed to hop on a plane and fly to Oz.

Well, a day or so later and it appears that he'll be just fine, except for the fact that he has to be on blood thinners for a long period of time and needs to spend a week going back and forth to a doctors office for preliminary treatment.

The main drug is something called Warafin, which some of you may recognise as a rat poison. (Too much and you'll bleed to death. Or forage in the garbage for scraps.)

So, good news that he's fine (and that a beer will now go a really long way now)

Bad news that he will have to delay his trip a week, missing the glorious Sydney Fireworks from the roof of my office building.

Better than the alternative though...

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey Tony...Don't know if you check your comments, but here goes....Happy New Year! And I hope your folks have a great trip and visit! Say hello for me....that is if they remember who the heck I am...but I well recall that bungalow on Brocklebank cres. (is that right?) where Reina had a bedroom in the basement one year....

Incidentally, my niece had a PE during her pregnancy....have they checked him for that? anyway, the blood thinnners did their thing and it's all ok now.

So send a little sunshine our way, would you? It's freakin' freezin' -30ish, and no fun to start the car! or go out at al!!! Remember that stuff?

Have fun with the nasal irrigations, I hear they help all manner of complaints!

Beth & Laurier
