Saturday, October 18, 2008

What a choice...

Political content ahead...sort of. Avoid if you wish.

Damn, I'm glad I'm not an American. This is a choice I wouldn't want to have to make. Granted, 80% of the people in the states are going to vote based entirely on bias. "I'm a Democrat -- I'm going to vote democrat" and they would if it was Hugo Chavez led ticket.


"I'm a Republican and will vote that way regardless of who is on the ticket."

So the 20% in the middle (of a voting population that is typically, in the good ole US of A, less than half of the eligible voters) actually decide who will run their country.


On the (very far) left is a guy that will -- in my opinion -- turn what was once a proudly capitalist country into a socialist, Robin Hood handout, gimme country. Now, I'm currently living in one, and was born in another, but I don't think that's what the average American is looking for (or he would have moved to Canada a long time ago, just like Alec Baldwin said he would).

And on the right...he's certainly done his part serving the country in the military (and some of the POW stories are truly inspirational) but to be in politics for as long as he has (25 years) yet still claim maverick, outsider status is a little rich. And I'm sure Tina Fey -- I mean Sarah Palin -- is a swell person (and I've got no problem shooting things), but PTA and a couple of years as governor really doesn't make her qualified to step in should she need to.

Polls are all over the place, but the latest Gallup numbers shows a statistically insignificant difference between Obama and and McCain. The undecided will decide.

So what is that 20% in the middle to do? These are the people that the two candidates are targeting, and the tactic from both camps seems to be more of a "look how bad the other guy is" instead of a "look what good I will do for you and the country".

Like I said. Glad I'm not in that boat.

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