Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kookaburra sings on the old...goal post

This little guy, a ravenous, carnivorous bird with a dusk and dawn cry that sounds a lot like crazed monkeys on crack, is a Kookaburra (picture snagged from wikipedia -- I'll load a picture of the real culprit later today.)

There are two of these guys stalking the football pitch, perhaps waiting for one of the smaller kids to slip and fall, providing him/them with food for a week.

One of them swiped the head coaches croissant yesterday (a ham and cheese croissant) and ended up fighting with a magpie for it.

If you're from Western Canada, be aware that the magpies here are not the tiny black and white, relatively clueless birds you see sitting in groups of 6 or more on power lines. Magpies in this neck of the world are the size and shape of ravens, but are black and white(picture, again, later today). It was a full on brawl that the Kookaburra won.

So it's not all football here. And the weather is still very pleasant...

Seriously considering doing this (coaching) as a about 5 years.


Beth said...

Hi Tony, just want to see if this posts...

Beth said...

Ok, now tht I know what I'm good to see your blog. Much more high tech than mine, you must be an engineer or something!!!

I posted the other day, but yeah, didn't work, as I so often hear on my blog.

So cool to see your pics, and a bit of your life down under. But, I need to make a bit of a correction on your comments about long has it been since you've been in Sask??? Magpies, FYI, are as big as crows if not bigger, and don't sit in groups on clothelines...They are noisy, violent birds, as you described...sounds like the same beast as lives there! In fact, as Laurier was growing up, they were one of the only birds on the farm that his mom allowed to be shot with BB guns! Anyway, I enjoy hearing about your life, and hope you continue the pics and posts. I'll share this site with Donovan, who, by the way, is quite the photographer and wildlife buff. Take care, and yes, quit the day job in favor of coaching "football"!!! good move, I say!!!


Tony McFadden said...

Beth, it's been a loooooong time since I've lived there, so I am no doubt thinking about some other bird. Thanks for the correction.

Saw two of the birds today sitting in the sun, heads turns almost to the back, beaks open and eyes closed, sleeping. I guess I'm not the only one taking aweek off.

How's your younger one doing in PEI?

(Great, by the way, to hear that the new lungs will be CF Free Forever!)
