Friday, October 10, 2008

He said what?!?

Australian to Canadian Dictionary -- Part 1

It is a commonly known fact that Australians speak English, but of a different variety than that used in North America. This should help any that are conversing with Australians, or happen to come here for a visit (like you, ma and pa).

Mate: Sometimes it’s not a verb, but a term of endearment as in ‘G’day, mate’ (see g’day). Of course, sometimes it *is* a verb.

Thong: Don’t be alarmed if dress code is described as shorts and thongs. No need to get butt-floss. You would know things better as flip-flops.

Jumper: Not someone who leaps off something. It’s a sweater. Won’t be needed between the months of October and May.

G’day: A classic example of the ‘remove a syllable if you can’ syndrome. Of course it means ‘good day’, but the syllable removal or shortening of words syndrome can be seen in other words too, most notably Canberra. It’s spelled with three syllables (can-ber-ra) but is pronounced as two (can-bra). I think this has to do with the large number of flies present in the hot dry summers that are looking for moisture, usually in your mouth. Aussies learned quickly that the faster you could say something, the fewer flies you ate.

Fair dinkum: No idea what the roots of this are, but is means ‘genuine’ or ‘true, I wouldn’t bullshit you’ as in

“Are you serious that he drove from Melbourne to Brissie in one go?”
“Fair dinkum, and with only two flats of beer!”

Hope this helps and clears a bit up. I'll collect some more and post next week.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Thanks for the lesson in speaking Oz...when we were in Cairns, wish trip '03 (which we quickly learned was pronounced Cans as in "beer cans"), the kids made a listof all the local articulation differences...the one we hear most around here is my favorite..."no worries" This seemed to typify life in worries about anything....a good life philosophy to embrace for life anywhere!!!

Stephen's team has tied both Que. & Man. Tomorrow they play PEI, so here's hoping someone scores...preferably us!!! All ties have been nil-nil, but apparently our boy has had a few good shots on goal. Today was sight-seeing, and the only warm day!

take care!
