Friday, October 24, 2008

Freakin' OUCH

I have a very healthy, very athletic, very bloody strong 13 year old son.

In the course of a normal father / son 'rasslin' match (aka, let's see if I can beat up dad) I bobbed when I should have weaved and caught a boney knee to the ribs.


I now have at least one cracked rib halfway up the right side of my torso -- maybe more. This was LAST weekend. Braniac me figured a hospsital wasn't needed and I've been suffering all week. Can't lie down to sleep...

Tomorrow I go for x-rays, 'cause the freakin' thing is hurting more each day. Poor kid feels like shit, but hey, these things happen.

Not too often I hope.

Moral of the story -- they're tougher than they look.

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