Saturday, September 12, 2009

Too long, not strong

So it's been over two weeks. The slippery slope of abandonment looms. Must keep up with it, or soon my posts will be years apart.

In my defense, the first two weeks of the month are usually pretty flat-chat at work, with a major, high-level front up to the customer the 2nd Thursday of the month. That would have been last Thursday. It went well, I think.

I still have a job.

And I've been pushing out other words, and by other words I mean the second short story that I've shipped off to Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (no, I haven't heard back from them on the first one I sent to them). In that tale, Eamonn Shute runs into some thugs that are very interested in what he might know about his friend's death. Drafting a third ES story, making sure he gets good and dirty chasing through the Everglades, Carla's kidnapper square in his cross-hairs.

I've also just submitted (sealed the envelope that will be mailed Monday) entries to the Eastern Writer's Group Short Short Story Competition. Four entries, each no more than 500 words. Not as easy as you might think. In those four short short stories I deal with reincarnation, a huge sporting event, food to die for and a high speed chase.

If the fantastic judges at the Eastern Writer's Group in Melbourne deem my entries not worthy, I'll post them on my web site and will let you all decide for yourselves.

I'm going to leave it at that. Eamonn is stuck on a fan boat in the Everglades, lost, and I've got to help him find Chekika Island.

Later, 'gators. (And follow me on Twitter)

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